
Happy Midsummer!

View over lake Vättern and Visingsö from Brahehus

"...De fagra blomsterängar och åkerns ädla säd, de rika örtesängar och lundens gröna träd, de skola oss påminna Guds godhets rikedom, att vi den nåd besinna som räcker året om."

Sweden is quite beautiful at the moment with all the green trees and flowers...at least when the sun is shining from blue skies.

It's been a busy week. Early mornings and a lot of new impressions and information to take in at work. On two of the evenings I've been sightseeing a bit in the area around Linköping with J since I've borrowed mom's car this week. This has resulteted in that I've been absolutley knackered at night. But it's been worth it.
Monday af
ternoon/evening we drove to Söderköping to eat ice-cream and yesterday we took the car to Vadstena to take a look at the castle and convent/monatery and ate barbeque buffé. Two pretty little towns.

Söderköping and Ice-cream, Saffron-flavour is my new favourite!

Vadstena castle and the moat outflow to lake Vättern.

Barbecue buffé. ME LIKE!!!

Tomorrow I'm driving home to Halmstad to celebrate midsummer with friends. One whole and two half days at home, intens and busy as always...Hopefully I will get some rest as well. Next week is busy busy busy...and I need to be at my best.

Happy Midsummer!!!

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