
Excuse me??!! (Part 1)

Scenario 1
Me in the kitchen at work that we share with an other care unit.
I had just put some dishes in the dishwasher but hadn't turned it on because I had some more things to collect and I didn't consider it full yet. In the kitchen was also one staff from the other unit plus two trolleys when an other work member (older lady) from the other unit as well came in. Since I wasn't using my trolley and it was a bit crowded I decided to place it outside the room before I finished what I was doing.

When I was just in front of the fridge with the trolley, with my back facing the two others the older lady said to the younger guy in a really snorty voice:
- I don't like when they leave us to take care of their dishes. This is not who we do in around here, we had some things in the machine first. And if you fill it you will have to turn it on.
Me who gets really annoyed when people talk about me like I'm not there when I'm still in the room turned around and put my most ironical nice voice on and said:
- It might be me you're talking about. I've been told that we share this kitchen and I'm not done filling the machine, I've got some more things to collect. But If I've done some thing wrong I'm really sorry and can you please show me how to do it your way cause this is my first day and apparently I have lots of things to learn.

She started to excuse herself while I took out an other basket and replaced my dirty dishes in that and then I left room.

An hour later I ran in to her in the kitchen again and she said:
- I hope you didn't get angry with me before, in a very officious voice.
I smiled a very fake smile and said:
- Of course not!

I'm glad she felt a bit guilty. And I'm glad I didn't loose my temper...but I'll tell you, it was really close!

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