
The moon

The sky is pitch dark...no stars and no moon...
Sometimes when it's cloudy I miss the moon more than the sun.
Even though I love the sun the moon is something special...lights up the darkness and brings you comfort, just as the tulips.

I'm walking down memory lane tonight. I found all sorts of letters and cards and notes and journals while clearing my clutter. Some of it I just read and put straight in the bin but some letters I cannot throw away...like the ones that make your heart smile...and like the one with the ending:

"...yet again I would like to emphasize that you are worth the moons weight in gold, when I look at it, it is made of gold."

Things and stuff...

Long time no see.
I can't really blame my blog absence on being too busy with school work, since that would be a big fat lie...this course really sucks when it comes to learning something. But I won't complain because there is other things to do when study doesn't take all of your time. Like clean, cook, bake, eat, sleep, wash, iron, stare in to a wall, talk to your plants, hang out with people IRL, watch telly and movies, apply for a summer job, read the newspaper, read novels etc. etc. (You probably get the picture)

I have also invested in tulips this last week. I love tulips! Gives me some sort of comfort. A sign that spring is on its way even though it is + 3 C and I can't remember when I last saw the sun...

Yesterday my book, that I got for free, arrived. It's called: Clear you clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston.
Started to read it and it might actually be some interesting reading after all. I have already started to clear some of my clutter...but more can be done. I'll give you an update on how it goes later on...
...Speaking about books I'm also reading Now Let me sing you gentle songs by Linda Olsson at the moment. That's a beautiful novel that I can recommend.

Now I'm gonna iron and watch some episodes Sex and the City and then maybe bake cinnamon buns...
Have a lovely afternoon my friends!



This picture from the interior magazine Sköna Hem inspired me to my latest buying. A new shelf. It's not exactly as the one on the picture, but has the same colour (more or less), the same pattern on the cabinet doors (my shelf has two doors, and no drawers) and is from the same era.

I'm gonna exchange my IKEA TV-bench for this new shelf...And I can't wait to do it. I've hated that IKEA- bench since the day I put it in. It is nothing wrong with, it's a good and functional TV-bench, but it is just sooo not me! The only thing with this new shelf is that my fat-TV won't fit on it...so I have to buy a new TV as well...Oh well, worse things can of course happen... ;-)


A week at "home"

I slept until 12.20 pm today...and it was absolutely wonderful to get a whole night with good sleep! Had a lot of twisted dreams. Guess I had a lot of thoughts, emotions and impressions to process.

Now I'm at "home" in Halmstad. Drove from Linköping around 4. It was dark, foggy and rainy but I got here in one piece!
I've spent the evening in the sofa watching telly and flipping through some interior magazines. A nice and quiet time with mom.

Tomorrow morning I'm off to work...7-10. Haven't been there since summer, so I am actually looking forward to it. (But I probably won't feel like this tomorrow morning at 5.45 when I wake up...)

The plan for my study-free week is to not have too many plans. Take the day as it comes. Ofcourse I've already got some plans like working a little bit, visiting L and her baby togheter with D on Thursday, have some quality time with M when she is not working and visit granma E and grandma H, just to mention a few...

I'm also gonna put up a strategy for 2009...the year who is about to start for me any day now!


Take a deep breath and...

Bad night

I couldn't fall asleep last night....I tried everything...
At 1.30 I changed place to the sofa...fell asleep for 1 hour between 2 and 3...changed over to the bed again...and after the newspaper arrived around 4 I fell asleep and stayed asleep til 5.30...then the alarm went off at 6.
Wonderful...no, not really!

Good luck to me after a night like this...


I wish...

Bild: Paul Costello



I just found an e-mail from J and it contained an invitation to Spotify!
I don't think I could get any happier at the moment. J is my favourite person in the world right now... He sure made my Friday night!


A reminder...

I have some saved text messages on my phone. I've saved them because they mean too much to me to be deleted. The oldest one is from August 2000. I've saved it because it is the nicest thing someone ever told me (or in this case written to me),and I know that the person who wrote it really meant it...I read it when I have a hard time remember the good things about myself...

"När man känner dig är det svårt att skilja på dröm och verklighet..." ("When knowing you it is hard to seperate dream from reality...")

It's good to have a reminder like that when you are in a period with lacking self-esteem like I am at the moment...

...or to be more exact: It is always good to have a reminder like that!


Still in 2008...

I know it's 2009 now...but my new year has not yet started. I'm still in the lousy year of 2008.
I'll be back when things feel a little bit lighter...maybe in a week or so...


The first minutes of 2009

At midnight we went up to the viewing point at Galgberget to look at the fire works in the city.
That was a nice ending of 2008 and beginning of 2009.