

I still belive they can come true...in time...the right time...


Dear Tess....

Oh,  I guess that's right...but...
It's so nice to be unproductive sometimes...to do nothing but look at beautiful pictures and dream about a place to call home... 

A friday in the sofa!


Lazy sunday afternoon

The August sun is shining today. Reminding us that there are still a few days of summer left, even though autumn already shown us his rainy and cold face this past week.
I moved myself out on the balcony where my pink flowers are in full bloom and my Hibiscus finally decided to develop buds...hopefully turning into flowers soon...
Lets hope for more sunshine days!


Earring stand...oh joy!

The sweetest thing ever! (And no, you can not have too many earrings!)


At home

Det är vackrast när det skymmer.
All den kärlek himlen rymmer
ligger samlad i ett dunkelt ljus
över jorden,
över markens hus.


Saturday night Tortano...

...filled with soft dried figs, chevre, walnuts and honey.


Cowboy take me away

I said: I wanna touch the earth
I wanna break it in my hands
I wanna grow something wild and unruly

I wanna sleep on the hard ground
In the comfort of your arms
On a pillow of blue bonnets
And a blanket made of stars

Oh it sounds good to me

I said: Cowboy take me away
Fly this girl as high as you can
Into the wild blue
Set me free oh I pray
Closer to Heaven above
And closer to you
Closer to you

I wanna walk and not run
I wanna skip and not fall
I wanna look at the horizon
And not see a building standing tall

I wanna be the only one
For miles and miles
Except for maybe you
And your simple smile

Oh it sounds good to me
Yes it sounds so good to me

Cowboy take me away
Fly this girl as high as you can
Into the wild blue
Set me free oh I pray
Closer to Heaven above
And closer to you
Closer to you

I said: I wanna touch the earth
I wanna break it in my hands
I wanna grow something wild and unruly

Oh it sounds so good to me

Cowboy take me away
Fly this girl as high as you can
Into the wild blue
Set me free oh I pray
Closer to Heaven above
And closer to you
Closer to you
Closer to you

Cowboy take me away...Closer to you

(Dixie Chicks)


Ordinary Wednesday dinner

Might look boring but I do actually really like "Pytt-i-panna" with egg, beetroot, ketchup and a glass of milk!

Ordinary and boring, just my cup of tea tonight.
Now back to ironing in front of the telly...and start to plan my packing.
Only one week left... Yeay!


Det är vackrast när det skymmer...

En liten kvällspromenad i villaområdet intill efter jobbet. Så lugnt och stilla. Inte en vindpust. Frisk och lätt kylig luft efter dagens regn. Och till det doften av vår. Nyutslagen syren, hägg, körsbärs- och äppelblom...


Happiness is...

... going to bed in the morning after your third and last working night.


The Royal wedding

What a dress!
Jealous? Me?
Absolutely yes!



6 weeks away from the coast of North and South Carolina.
Ohh...I Can't wait. 

New shorts-dress bought today.
I'm practically all set!!
Let's go!


A day in bed

My second day home from work with fever, tummy ache and back pain.
Boring, but what to do?
Hopefully feeling all good tomorrow again.



I need a big portion of energy.
Right here and right now.

Oh, how I wish for a calm evening at work.
Most days I wish it for the patients sake. Because if it's calm it means they feel quite well.
Today, I wish it mostly for my sake...


Maybe you have to believe in it

I wish people believed more in the power of their voice and used it to create the change they want to see...
Things might be impossible to do alone, but possible to do together.


IPhone blogging!

Sunshine on the balcony and I've just figured out how to blog from the IPhone...YEAY!


Grötvik-Tyludden t/r.

If you know you're running towards this view, you also know that the pain will be worth it...

(Remind me again about the reasons for still living in Linköping?!)


Cold and sunny Sunday walk

Drink night

 Good food. Good drinks. Good coffee. 
In company with the best friends.
That's what I call a good Saturday night!



The only bad thing about spring getting closer and the days lighter is that I find it hard to sleep the day after working night...

6 hours and 3 awakenings is not what I call beauty sleep...I feel like a zombie!

I might just have to give it another try after the sun set. Otherwise this upcoming night might feel even longer than the last...


Turquoise walls

Turquoise walls is quite nice, especially in combination with white.
Even if I wouldn't paint my own walls in the colour these pictures gives lots of inspiration.

And inspiration is what I need!



Ett rosigt ansikte med små små svettdroppar.
Blanka ögon som tittar med en tom fast ändå vädjande blick.
- Vad är det som fattas mig ? frågas med svag röst.
- Jag vet inte, svarar jag. Sen lägger jag min nyligen spritade och kalla hand på hennes panna. Hon blundar. Jag avlägsnar handen efter en kort stund.
- Nej, lämna mig inte...

Ibland önskar man att man bara hade en patient att ta hand om.

Otillräcklighet kan göra så ont...


Bourogh Market 8/1

I wish I could visit this lovely market every Saturday morning...