
I want out

I've ended up with a tutor at my clinical placement that's not very keen on being a tutor. So now I'm being tossed around between all the nurses. 5 nurses in 3 days, a bit to much. No one seem to be willing to help me out for more than a few hours...I'm more or less planning my days alone, a few hours at a time. It's frustrating, but it's getting easier...to bad it has taking me almost a week to figure things out. Would have been much easier with some help...

I don't want to do this anymore....I want out.


Things I would like to wear this winter

...and you never know...
London is, sooner than later, just around the corner!


Autumn sky

New neighbours

My neighbour just popped in to ask a question about the tumble drier. Fair enough. Nothing weird about that.
Then she said that she was about to sublet her apartment to a friend, who just got divorced, until he found a new place of his own. Fair enough. Nothing weird about that.
Then she said: So I thought I'd give you my number in case it gets a bit loud and messy.
I don't like that, something is a bit weird about that...

She was staying with her man/boyfriend in the meantime, since she stays at his place most of the time anyway...they have separate apartments for economical reasons only, she explained. That's a bit weird as well...

I wish I wasn't so prejudicious.


Psychosis and I

I'm at the psychosis surgery this week.
It's really interesting...but not for me in the long run. I really don't want to know about all the weirdos out there. To be honest I'm a bit scared of them...even though I know I shouldn't be.
But I do also feel so, so sorry for them at the same time. Schizophrenia is an awful disease with so much suffering involved.

Today I saw the worst misery I've ever seen...or to be more correct I smelled the worst misery I've ever smelled.

My tutor asked me if I wanted to give the injection...but I declined with my hand holding my nose...and trying not to touch anything.


Sunshine everybody, sunshine!!

I'm still in front of my books, but I'm running out of inspiration. At least the weather has been absolutely gorgeous today, so I've been sitting out on the balcony reading all afternoon. Did you know that above the 60th degree of latitude (~ the same latitude as Stockholm) you will not be able to produce any vitamin D in the skin from the sun after the autumnal equinox (next week!)? One of the factors that we have a high prevalence of osteoporosis in this country. So out in the sun everybody...we need vitamin D to activate the osteoblasts who rebuild the bones and to increase the calcium absorption in the intestine. We don't want to get a hip fracture, do we!?

Ah, well...I might be on the safe side so far...even though I'm almost past the age for the "peak-bone-mass". A step/strength class at the gym around lunch time was good prevention for upcoming age-related bone mass loss.

Tonight Sis and E arrives for a weekend visit. Lovely!



Lovely autumn weather and a walk with a friend

After a long day studying on the balcony in the lovely sunny autumn weather I've now eaten and feel very content. Didn't go to the gym today since I still have muscle pain from Saturday's class...but tomorrow it's Yoga-time again. Yeay!

When I logged on to Facebook earlier I read that S, a friend from the first semester here in Linköping who later dropped out, is in town for tonight only so now we're meeting up for a walk. Really looking forward to see her!



Bought new lilies today on the farmers market. Only 20 kr each. Very nice!

Good start

Started the day with BodyPump at the gym. Lovely but hard. Had my second good work out week in a row, 4 times at the gym and two long walks. I hope this flow continues cause it's so liberating to leave the books and the computer behind for an hour or two.

Yoga was a big positive surprise last Sunday. Absolutely heavenly for the body! Attended my second class on Tuesday and I've already bought my own Yoga mat. My plan is to do it al least once a week. The good thing is that the class is on Sundays and late at Tuesdays which is good even when I commute to Motala for my clinical placement.


I was thinking about studying a bit today as well, but right now I'm not sure I can be bothered. I feel like doing something creative...or maybe baking some bread...


Power yoga

The Benefits of Power Yoga
  • Low-impact workout for the whole body
  • Builds strength, flexibility and stamina
  • Realigns the spine, strengthens bones and joints, lengthens muscles
  • Improves blood circulation and respiration, boosting energy levels
  • Detoxifies the body, purifying the internal organs
  • Calms the mind and soothes the emotions, removing anxiety
  • Brings focus and clarity to the mind

At least that is what people say, so I'm giving it a try tonight.
Hopefully I enjoy it!