
Sunshine everybody, sunshine!!

I'm still in front of my books, but I'm running out of inspiration. At least the weather has been absolutely gorgeous today, so I've been sitting out on the balcony reading all afternoon. Did you know that above the 60th degree of latitude (~ the same latitude as Stockholm) you will not be able to produce any vitamin D in the skin from the sun after the autumnal equinox (next week!)? One of the factors that we have a high prevalence of osteoporosis in this country. So out in the sun everybody...we need vitamin D to activate the osteoblasts who rebuild the bones and to increase the calcium absorption in the intestine. We don't want to get a hip fracture, do we!?

Ah, well...I might be on the safe side so far...even though I'm almost past the age for the "peak-bone-mass". A step/strength class at the gym around lunch time was good prevention for upcoming age-related bone mass loss.

Tonight Sis and E arrives for a weekend visit. Lovely!


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