
My friends Ben and Jerry...

My head is spinning...I can hardly tell what's up and what's down. And I still have at least 3 more hours with the books today...and then another 8 or so tomorrow. There are still so many things about the immune system to figure out...I keep mixing it all up.

Everything felt quite good earlier but right now I'm on the verge of giving up...

I just got home from the grocery store where I found my dear old friends Ben&Jerry standing in the freezer waiting for me...

I guess there is no bad mood Ben & Jerry can't fix!!


Time to focus...

Got the day for my exam next week...and with my bad luck I got monday. But at least monday afternoon...
I is writing on wednesday...(I wanted to do wednesday as well...)
A well...nothing to do about that more than to get focused and more or less isolate myself in the flat with all the books and notes...

Next tuesday I am gonna treat myself with way too much shopping...probably won't write anything new here until then...so...see you next week! (And keep your fingers crossed for me...)



Eurovision song contest?

I've lost faith.
It's not even worth my comment...



Yesterday when I was listening to the radio they where talking about queuing. And they wanted people to call in and tell them what they where queuing for at the moment...
And there was this guy calling in and said:
- I'm queuing for the love of my life. She broke up with me after 5 years this winter so now I'm standing in line, waiting for it to be my turn again...

I can't decide whether I think this is really sweet or just really stupid...


Indiana Jones

Just got home from the cinema. Been watching the new Indiana Jones movie togehter with I and M and J and A. There is only one word to describe that movie : Unrealistic.
I didn't expect anything else of course since it's Indiana Jones we are talking about. But still...come on...even Indiana Jones need food sometimes and he would probably need to go to the loo aswell! Things like that annoys me...
But besides that...the movie was quite amusing...and Harrison Ford looks really good for his age.


Last day with the school nurse

It was the last day at my work experience place today. Had a very good evaluation with my tutor and she was very, very pleased with me and the progress I've made during the past 5 weeks. Felt really good to hear.

This weekend and the whole of next week I will focus on the uppcoming exam. So much to do and soooo little time...but I guess if there is a will, there is a way...

Now it's time to shake that ass at the BodyJam class at the gym...that will probably make me fit for fight for an evening with the books...and ofcourse the semifinal of the Eurovision Song Contest with Charlotte Perelli and the song Hero tonight!


todays horoscope...

Aries: Do not quit today! You'll be so tempted to give up, but the reward for finishing will be oh-so-sweet...


Took a walk with J and picked some flowers.
I wish you all could smell them...!



Jag börjar bli jääävligt less på kursledningen...

...vi studenter har varit väldigt lugna och fina och tålmodiga och förstående denna terminen med allt framflyttande av föreläsningar och obligatoriska moment i tid och otid...men någonstans går gränsen....och den passerades idag!

Och orden "ni får göra det bästa av situationen" känns mest som ett hån...det påminner lite om den gamla reklamfilmen där chefen kommer in och säger : " Du har ju hela helgen på dig..."

Jag kan säga att vi studenter, som denna respektlösa schemaändring berör, har försökt göra det bästa av situationen ända sedan det första barn HLR tillfället ställdes in för oss...efter att det andra tillfället också ställdes in pratade vi i min basgrupp ihop oss och jag skrev sedan ett mail till kursarsvarig med förslag på hur vi skulle kunna lösa situationen på bästa och smidigaste sätt för oss studenter som var drabbade...men icke...det är ju alltid vi studenter som "ska göra det bästa av situationen"...det vore tacksamt om kursledningen och kursansvarig också kunde göra det ibland!


The weather!

It is cold and grey and cold and grey and cold and grey outside...and yesterday it was raining. Where did the lovely, sunny and warm weather go??!

Days like this make me wanna pack my bag and take the next flight as far away as possible. Would be nice to be lying under the palmtrees on a far away beach with a good book (and not some medicin or nursing litterature)...ah well...I'm glad I at least have the ability to daydream...

Punta Uva, Costa Rica 2007


What kind of person are you?

On Facebook there are so many fun tests you can take. And I love doing them to find out what kind of person I really am...if I don't already know ofcourse.

I just took one called: What is your dance style?
And after answering 5 questions or so I got the result: A cha-cha dancer.
And the motivation:
"Tess is one hot firecracker. You've got a vibrant and flirtatious style that keeps you zesty and fun. You're not afraid to get up close and personal with whomever your partner happens to be."

Last week a took a test called: How british are you?
And the result: I'm proud british.
With the motivation:
"While still not bloody British, you're the second highest level of Britishness we can aspire to. You probably love a good game of cricket, appreciate sarcasm and are extremely proud of our culture, heritage and our almost successful sport teams!"

And when it comes to who I would be if I where a LOST character I got a bit surprised because the result showed : Desmond Hume...
...with the motivation:
"You are mysterious and a secret romantic. No one has any idea what you're doing most of the time, and you like it that way. You may be crazy, or just drunk, but more than likely, you know what's going on more than most of the people around you. If you don't already have an accent, you probably secretly want one."

I guess some of it is true...



I'm totaly empty in my head, but at least I finally finished the summary!!

I'm gonna celebrate this with the very first episode in the very first season of Beverly Hills, 90210.
I've read that there is a spin off planned...with Jennie Garth playing Kelly, now working as a study and career adviser at Beverly Hills High. Apperently Jason Priestly and Tori Spelling has told that they are interested in playing their old ch
aracters again if they get asked. I hope, I hope, I hope they do get asked!!! (And my favourit Luke Perry as well...)

Study update...

I only have 300 more words to write now...I'm so tired, I just want to have it done but I'm out of inspiration at the moment.

Maybe I need some food...I've only eaten som olives since lunch...and that was around 1 pm...hmm, might give it a try!

Study weekend!

Four days off:friday, saturday, sunday and monday. And all I'm gonna do is study. Today I'm gonna finish a summary of 2000 words (I only have 1700 words left to write) on the subject : "The nurse communicate with children about growth, overweight and obesity."
Tomorrow I'm gonna focus on diabetes type 1 in children.

Next week is my last at the work-experience place. That's a big relief...I'm quite sick of it right now...not much to do, and since it's the end of the semester the school children are often out on different trips. You can feel in the atmosphere that the summer holiday is just around the corner.

Earlier this week I walked over the schoolyard in Tallboda and passed some lilac-bushes... and what a scent! Absolutly heavenly!
I think I'm gonna take a walk after lunch and see if I can pick some to put on my coffee-table.
Now it's time for breakfast.


The worrying kind...

"Moves, I like to make them
Grooves, I like to shake them
Shake me from my troublesome mind
Cause sometimes you'll find that I'm out of my mind
You see baby,
I'm the worrying kind

Words, I like to break 'em
Words I'd like to shake 'em
Shake them from my troublesome mind
And you turn up your nose
It's a joke you suppose
But baby, I'm the worrying kind

So if you see me somewhere
With that glassy ol' stare
And the panic and fear in my eyes
Don't call for first aid or the fire brigade
Or the local police cause they wont care
I'm just a silly old girl with my head in the can
I'm just a mortal with potential of a superman
But what sense does it make
When I feel like a fake
When I'm saying to you all be good for goodness sake?

Words, I like to break 'em
Words I'd like to shake 'em
Shake them from my troublesome mind
And why?
–Heaven knows, It's a joke I suppose
But baby, I'm the worrying kind

So if you see me somewhere
With that glassy ol' stare
And the panic and fear in my eyes
Don't call for first aid or the fire brigade
Or the local police cause they wont care
I'm just silly old girl with my head in the can
I'm just a mortal with potential of a superman
But what sense does it make
When i feel like a fake
When I'm saying to you all be good for goodness sake?

Words, I like to break 'em
Words I'd like to shake 'em
Shake them from my troublesome mind
And why? -Heaven knows,
It's a joke I suppose
But baby, I'm the worrying kind
And You turn up your nose
And you say it's a pose
But Baby, I'm the worrying kind
Yeah, sometimes I'm blind
I'm just out of my mind
Baby, I'm the worrying kind"

I like this song when The Ark sings it but I like it even better with Maia Hirasawa...and I love the way she's playing the piano.

I miss my old piano...


Lovely things from a lovely friend!!

M popped in earlier tonight and handed me a present from Å in Australia.
And what a lovely present then!!
(Thank you soooo much!)

3 pair of pink Bonds-nickers (my all-time favourits!), 1 Koala-teddybear, a dolphine card, and a Kit-Kat CookieDough!

I'm gonna save that Kit-Kat until Wednesday afternoon when I've finished my examination in Medical technique .
Can't wait!

love love love


Plugg, solning och the King.

(Sorry, won't write this one in english...)

Helgen har bjudit på sommarväder och jag har spenderat dagarna tillsammans med I i Trädgårdsföreningen och förenat nytta med nöje: solning och eximinationsplugg. Har lyckats få lite färg samtidigt som jag känner mig liiiite, om än bara liiiite, säkrare på vad det är jag ska kunna på onsdag. Paniken har inte infunnit sig ännu...men jag har en känsla av att den kommer slå till hårt och brutalt i morgon...

Dagens låt blir en gammal sång från en av mina absoluta favorit: Elvis.
Förmodligen den finaste han har gjort...

"Maybe I didn't treat you
Quite as good as I should have
Maybe I didn't love you
Quite as often as I could have
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time

You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind..."



Took some lovely walks in a spring-beautiful Halmstad last week. Just what I needed.

Now I'm back in Linköping and I have spent the afternoon doing laundry...sooo boring. But soon I will take my bike and visit I and M in their new flat! Can't wait to see it!

My flat is still a mess...The man from Nomus was here this morning and hopefully I will never have to see him or the bugs again!!


A rainy day...

I had been looking forward to be home in Halmstad for almost 5 whole days...
But 2008 is so obviously NOT my year and I had to change my plan because the creepy carpet- and bacon beetles (funny names in engilsh!) are back in the flat and the man from Nomus is coming to do a second decontamination (is that the right word?) on monday morning 8 o'clock. So I need to go back on Saturday to empty all the cupboards and closets all over again.
Luckily I will get some help from mom and dad this time...

The bug problem is really not what I need right now...but then again worse things can of course happen...
I am sure everything will be alright and life will get easier soon...maybe not today or tomorrow...But maybe 2009 will be a good year?!
Fingers crossed...for me and for my dear friend C who hopefully is fit for fight soon again!!

Today the rain is absolutly pouring down and I guess that is a good thing sometimes. The spring need the rain to be able to make all the trees go into bloom. And sometimes you need the rain to be able to appreciate the sun...
That is why I think the song of the day is Tomorrow - from the lovely musical about Annie.