

"En vänlig grönskas rika dräkt
har smyckat dal och ängar.
Nu smeker vindens ljumma fläkt

de fagra örtesängar.
Och solens ljus och lundens sus och vågens sorl bland viden
förkunna sommartiden.

Sin lycka och sin sommarro
de yra fåglar prisa.

Ur skogens snår,
ur stilla bo
framklingar deras visa.
En hymn går opp
av fröjd och hopp från deras glada kväden,
från blommorna och träden.
Carl David af Wirsén


My latest interior decorating purchase

I bought this old educational poster in my favourite store "Kult & co", that my former wood craft teacher owns, on my last visit in Halmstad. I had been thinking about buying it for quite some time and finally decided to do it. And I am so glad I did...I love it, and it makes me happy every time I look at it! The colours goes perfectly with the rest of my combined living-/bedroom. The coffetable and the lamp is bought in that store as well...They might have been too expensive for a student like me...but who cares? When I look at these things I feel at home, I feel love and I feel that this is me! A bit nerdy?! Yes indeed! :)


I am sure...

Hang in there darling!


First day

My first day at the new job is over. And there was, of course, nothing to be nervous about...Nice and friendly staff, and my classmate S had her 4th introduction day today as well. It's always nice to have a familiar face in unknown territory...=)

I'm working again tomorrow morning, then Friday night and Saturday morning. Thinking about it yesterday felt kind of hard, but today I'm glad. It's good with a change.Working make sense...studying doesn't....to be honest I can't stand anything that has something to do with school at the moment. So tonight I'm gonna finish an assignment and then I'm not thinking about school for the rest of the weekend!!

Now, if it doesn't rain, I'm taking a walk in the forest...the gym will have to wait until tomorrow. I've actually been good at this gym-thing the last couple of days...Step on Sunday and Afro and Core on Monday. Well done me!!!


Summer job begins..

Tomorrow morning I'm doing my first introduction shift at my summer job in the neurosurgeon care unit at the hospital. A bit nervous to be honest. I don't like being the newbie...

Now sleep...Wish me luck.

Time out

  1. Why am I doing this?
  2. What's the use of doing it?
  3. Is it worth it?

I don't really feel regrets about doing this, but I do feel regrets about not doing the things I didn't chose. Tricky...


Song of the day - Not ready to make nice

Pep talk

Things might be oh so frustrating right now...but there is nothing to do about it. Focus focus focus. Do not explode, do not scream. Keep cool, take a deep breath, just smile, smile, smile (fake it till you make it)...


Song of the day - Fairytale

Different and charming. I like it! Extra plus for the amazing dancers.



Tonight I'm watching Eurovision song contest even though I've lost a bit of interest in that competition in the last couple of years.
After wathcing the semi-final when Marlena got to final I actually got more excited reading about Måns Zelmerlöw playing Chicago, the musical, in London later this year.


Post exam

They will probably never stop surprising me...Some of the questions where so weird it's almost scary!!
For once in my life I am glad that I am a woman who have had a yeast infection...might have saved me this time...Time will tell!



Pain: Headache r/t no glasses while studying and my ventilation/kitchen fan/electricity bill problem. VAS 4. Intervention: Analgesics

Nutrition: Pre-exam cravings for chocolate. At the moment hungry, but too tired to cook, have an almost empty fridge and no money. Risk for malnutrition.


If I could make a wish....

...then I would wish that I could go to an Elvis concert...


House cleaning

Effectiveness and creativity

I came to me at 8:15 this morning to study...and she just left. We got a lot of things done and it felt very efficient. Four days left to this semesters big exam...and I try to persuade myself that I have things under control and that I feel no stress...but my poor heart has start to beat irregularly again, not as bad as last time...My strategy for this stress related problem is that I will continue to pretend everything is cool...you know: Fake it, till you make it!

As always when it comes to serious studying I get all creative and with a million ideas (that unfortunately don't have anything to do with appendicitis, antibiotic treatment, Crohn's disease or cholesystitis). Not really a good thing when there is no time to act on these ideas. Instead I feed myself with some inspiring pictures and dream myself away...hopin
g that my creativity will last...



I don't like rain...especially not on a night when you are suppose to be outside and tonight it is Utekravallen.

<---- I have my wellies on!

Have to go...bye bye! xx



Song of the day - Är det här platsen

Peter Jöback and Eva Dahlgren

"...Är det här året då allting vänder? Steg för steg en dag i sänder..."

Something beautiful...


Evaluations and day dreaming...

Today I've done my last two evaluations of my clinical placement period. All together I've done 8 different (but still almost the same) about my 7 week placement period. Amazing. It might be a good idea for the University to coordinate things like this in some way...it would save us all a lot of work and most importantly a lot of TIME...and we all know time is precious... and time is money...

Speaking of money...did you know that you could buy this castle in Ukraine for only 1.8 million USD...

I need to stop day dreaming...and finish my studying for tonight...


Quote of the day

"I don't want to make money. I just want to be wonderful." -Marilyn Monroe

Lovely days and all grown up

I've had two wonderful days and nights. Lovely old friends and new acquaintances, sunshine from a blue sky, barbecue and rosé wine...mmm, sometimes life's really good.
Now I've had my fun for a week...tomorrow and Sunday will be devoted to studying.

I'm so tired right now...but had two cups of coffee at Å's place tonight so I probably won't be able to fall asleep. Caffeine affects me so much sometimes it's scary.
At the dinner at Å's place tonight I also ate onion, and did actually like it...MY GOD what is happening to me?????!!! (It might have been a ones in a lifetime thing so try not to get too excited ok?!)
It must be the fact that I'm 25 now and all (?!) grown up...