

Can someone PLEASE explain to me why they don't have a proper stylist that can help the singers in Melodifestivalen? 

Py Bäckman looked like Ozzy Osbourne tonight.
I repeat: NOT OK!
(Never ever and under no circumstances!) 


Last night I finally decided to something about the gingerbread dough I've had in the fridge since way before Christmas.
Right now there is a lot of big heavy snowflakes falling down outside the window so I guess gingerbread still is quite appropriate after all...


Glee night!

But before that Aerobic dance at the gym...sweet!


Ain't that pretty

I could start to cry any second now.
Look at them!
Flamingos, pink flowers, butterflies and some other bird...absolutely heavenly! 
I definitely have some things to consider next time I pass by an Accessorize store!

I took this afternoon and evening off. Me and I had a bit of an inspirational drought  and finished todays thesis work around 2 pm. After that I went for an hour walk in the sunshine. Very refreshing!
Then, when I got back home, we had got an e-mail from our mentor who was pleased and had some positive feedback on the re-written parts we sent in earlier this week (and she's not exactly the one who give a lot of positive feed-back). So tomorrow we hopefully have some new inspiration and will finish the discussion.
I really want to see the end of this soon...


Snow snow snow....and some more snow


I've figured out one positive thing with the snow and having shit-loads to do in school. And that is that the snow makes you walk everywhere and all the studying makes you eat less = loss of weight. 

I guess my jeans will fit again when spring arrives!


My drunken neighbor

My neighbor is drunk tonight again...and he is quite loud at the moment.

Last night when I was putting my make-up on around 7.30 pm I could here him quite clearly. I couldn't here exactly what he was saying but that didn't depend on the thick wall between our flats but because he was so drunk he couldn't speak properly. He sounded like the really drunken people who sit on a bench outside the liquor-store talking to them-self or some hallucination.

Tonight he is just loud...and the female person who is in there as well is all giggly. She probably thinks he's hilarious... Well she's probably the only one thinking that in this building tonight!

My God how I was right when I got a bad feeling about this neighbor when the one who is letting it out to him came over to give me her number in case it got loud and messy.

I do hope it stays at loud...I'm just not up to dealing with messy tonight!


Kellog's Rice Krispies Squares

In the little convenience store on the corner close to where I live I found out this week that they sell the Kellog's Rice Krispies Squares for 12 kr each. My alltime favorite snack! So after a big fucking shit lousy week (excuse my language, but there is no other words to describe it better...) I decided that the comfort they bring was what I needed. 

So here I am. One Squares and one cup of strong black coffee later my head feels a bit lighter. (I must remember to write and thank the person who came up with the brilliant idea of making these snacks someday...) This afternoon I'll try to make something out of the thesis before heading in to town and Systembolaget. F invited me over for a student hall party tonight, and I'm really looking forward to it. Dressing up, some friends, alcohol and dancing...I guess it's just what I need! The rest of the weekend will be devoted to school work...there is no other way unfortunately. But on Sunday I've also booked me in for a BodyPump class at my new gym. It's really time to get back in to the good work-out routine I had during the fall...3-4 times a week should be possible with some planning.

And I must remember to buy a headset and get Skype so that I can speak to Å soon. (I miss you!)


Happy Valentine's Day

I wish you a lovely day.


The weather

According to the weather forecast there is no plus degrees and rain in sight and therefore no snow melting either. That is absolutely and completely depressing news if you ask me.
February must be the most worthless month of the year. 

Today I'm forcing myself to the gym...two months absence is two months too long. Maybe it's time to get some kind of routine again. Beach 2010 is still miles away (I'm actually doubting its arrival this year) so there is certainly time to get in to shape...or just get the energy level up. Right my energy level is so low it's not even measurable.

Next year I think I'll spend January and February abroad, 'cause this is so not working for me!! 


Ordinary day

Woke up around 6 am, weird dreams.
Only - 6,3 C outside, thinking: Hmm, quite warm today.
Shower, breakfast and then out in the snow.
Walk, cursing the icy pathways. 
Arriving almost 20 minutes too early...wrong time in calendar.
Interesting lecture in traumatology, but too sleepy. Heavy eyelids, distant words.
Interesting lecture continues, more alert.
LUNCH: Chilli con carne and bulgur, no vegetables. 
New lecture, information about opposition. Earlier finish. 
Walk home. Computer time, paying bills, chocolate muffin.
Phone call, decline another job offer. Pleased.
Some structuring and database searching.
Dinner: Pancakes.
Now: Study time.

Later: washing up, preparing tomorrow, sleep.


Good day

Got a summer job today!