
Kellog's Rice Krispies Squares

In the little convenience store on the corner close to where I live I found out this week that they sell the Kellog's Rice Krispies Squares for 12 kr each. My alltime favorite snack! So after a big fucking shit lousy week (excuse my language, but there is no other words to describe it better...) I decided that the comfort they bring was what I needed. 

So here I am. One Squares and one cup of strong black coffee later my head feels a bit lighter. (I must remember to write and thank the person who came up with the brilliant idea of making these snacks someday...) This afternoon I'll try to make something out of the thesis before heading in to town and Systembolaget. F invited me over for a student hall party tonight, and I'm really looking forward to it. Dressing up, some friends, alcohol and dancing...I guess it's just what I need! The rest of the weekend will be devoted to school work...there is no other way unfortunately. But on Sunday I've also booked me in for a BodyPump class at my new gym. It's really time to get back in to the good work-out routine I had during the fall...3-4 times a week should be possible with some planning.

And I must remember to buy a headset and get Skype so that I can speak to Å soon. (I miss you!)

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