
Clinical Placement - Not my cup of tea

I'm sorry. But I don't think it's fun to be out on clinical placement.
I hate it.

I thought this second day would be better than the first, because the first is always a complete mess. But no, my tutor was sick...so who would take care of me??? No-one really knew...After half an hour I got a new tutor for the day...thank God I'll have the same tomorrow...otherwise I would have called in sick as well.

My schedule is still not completed, I'm missing two days...and I want to have it all clear. But it seems like a bit too much to ask at the moment.
I hate when I can't make up plans and I hate when I don't have things under control.

Now I need to do the dishes and have myself a good cry (I really need it) before I go to bed.

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