Today I collected some books that I ordered over the internet and inventoried what I already had at home that I will need for this semester. And on the above picture is the pile...
It gets quite expensive, but I like to own the books. I want to be able to highligt the text if I feel like it, and I don't want to fight about the books at the library with all the other students. I can always sell the ones I don't want to keep when I'm done with the course. And I try to be smart about the purchases and buy the books I can use in several courses.Went to the Vaccination Surgery yesterday to get my vaccination for Hepatits B, tetanus/diptheria and do the tuberculin test. On Friday I'm going back for the TB-injection. And the good thing was that I only had to pay a small subsidized fee for the tetanus/dipthera, the others are free!! Good for me and my good for my wallet!
Tonight me and I and some other girls (or young women...whatever you would like to call us) are invited over to Å on dinner. Looking forward to that! It is soooo boring making dinner and eat it all alone...
1 kommentar:
Ojoj!! Så mycket böcker har jag aldrig varit i närheten av i en kurs...;) puss
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