
Is purple the new pink?

In an attempt to turn this day to a good day after it's lousy start I took the car to Tornby to buy that Clinique stay sheer pressed powder that's been out of stock in the Åhlens city store. I did of course not only buy the powder...but found a lovely scarf, mittens and a hat as well. All in a beautiful dark purple shade. I belive they will look good with the new black winter coat I bought last week. I have a feeling this will be a purple winter...

By the way...I did send an e-mail to the study and careers advisor earlier...well, all I have to do now is wait and see...she'll probably respond to it on monday, and after that I can figure what to do next.
I was supposed to study today...statistics...but I haven't got anything done. So tomorrow I'll give it another try.

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