
My drunken neighbor

My neighbor is drunk tonight again...and he is quite loud at the moment.

Last night when I was putting my make-up on around 7.30 pm I could here him quite clearly. I couldn't here exactly what he was saying but that didn't depend on the thick wall between our flats but because he was so drunk he couldn't speak properly. He sounded like the really drunken people who sit on a bench outside the liquor-store talking to them-self or some hallucination.

Tonight he is just loud...and the female person who is in there as well is all giggly. She probably thinks he's hilarious... Well she's probably the only one thinking that in this building tonight!

My God how I was right when I got a bad feeling about this neighbor when the one who is letting it out to him came over to give me her number in case it got loud and messy.

I do hope it stays at loud...I'm just not up to dealing with messy tonight!

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