Finally...last day in Motala. It felt like this day would never come...but today it came and the working hours are already done and I'm back home again!
Yesterday I got the first dose of the Swine flue vaccine. Feeling a bit sub febrile at the moment, headache and a diffuse tickling feeling in my body, which is a good thing I guess...means my immune system is working on the protective effect. But unfortunately that means no BodyJam and a night of studying instead!
If it stops rain I might go for a walk...but before that I'm gonna finish of the chapter about affective disorders (could it be more depressing?).
I need coffee and a cinnamon bun. And together with that I would like some sunshine and the leaves to stay on the trees...
Please let there be someone out there able to fix that for me.
(It's not too much to ask right?)

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