The day of the exam - and what a crazy exam...it gave me a bad headach that's still torturing me. I spent the afternoon shopping with I. Bought a dress, a t-shirt, leggings and two vests at Gina Tricot, major grocery shopping at Maxi, mini-light strand for the balcony and two cerise christmas tree balls (even though I don't have a Christmas tree) at Rusta and lots of candles at IKEA. I felt so worth all that shoppig!! And It felt so good to have a full fridge again. I went to bed early that night...
I love a full fridge!
The alarm clock rang at 4.15 am. Lovely...absolutely lovely...NOT! But nothing to about that more than to get up, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and get out to the car and drive all the way to Motala...(I thank the guy who invented the car and mom for letting me have hers during my placement time!) They let me finish one hour early at the hospital so I was back in linköping around 3 pm. Did some "christmas decoration" in the flat and on the balcony. After that I cleaned the flat properly...something I hadn't done for weeks!

The alarm clock rang at 4.15 am. Lovely...absolutely lovely...NOT! But nothing to about that more than to get up, take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and get out to the car and drive all the way to Motala...(I thank the guy who invented the car and mom for letting me have hers during my placement time!) They let me finish one hour early at the hospital so I was back in linköping around 3 pm. Did some "christmas decoration" in the flat and on the balcony. After that I cleaned the flat properly...something I hadn't done for weeks!
Day off! Finally! Had million things to do...but half of it never got done. At least I finished the Cuba album on the computer and sent it away for printing. (Got an e-mail from fujicolor today saying it is on it's way...yay!!) I made a lot of lunch boxes, put the stars up in my windows...and then of course I looked for a stupid CD to my computer...turned the whole flat upside down...without any luck! Wonderful and clever J came over and fixed my computer that night...it took quite some time...because I hadn't found that stupid CD...and I went to bed at 2.45 am.
Got up at 10. Made lunch and then packed my bag and drove to Motala. Had the evening shift and spent the night in Motala.
Morning shift at the hospital. Got of at 3 pm, drove back to Linköping, had a quick stop at the mall to get Å a birthday present. Home a 5 pm. Talked to my loved ones on the phone and then I hade to get ready for birtydayparty at Å's place. I was sooo tired and got home a 10.30 and went straight to bed...
The same a s friday...woke up and got ready for Motala. Evening shift at the hospital and then I spent the night again...
Day shift. Got back to Linköping at 4 pm. Absolutely knackered, watched The bold and the beautiful and then I went to bed at 8.20. Fell asleep...got woken up by the phone at 10 and the fell asleep again at 11...
Tuesday - today
Woke up at 10 am. Me and A hade decided last week to start with our placement - project that we have to finish before Christmas today but A sent me a text last night that she had other plans for today...and maybe we could meet up an other day? AN OTHER DAY??? It's not like we have a 1000 days to choose between...our hospital schedules are not really synced and she lives in Motala and I live in Linköping...but hey what can I do. I tried to start with the project on my own...it didn't go very good since we havn't decided everything about the subject yet and everything is very unclear.
Ohhh...I've been so sick of this studying situation today...and so sick of group-projects...and sick of group members that you haven't chosen yourself.
So after a breakdown around lunchtime time I decided to take the day off from school. Why should I take responsible for this project. I just cannot do everything by myself...I wish I was more irresponsible...I will work on that from now on...
So...what have keeping me busy all afternoon then?
Well... I've made a chocolate and banana cake and watched 6 episodes of Sex and the city...after this The bold and the beautiful episode I'm watching at the moment I'm cooking dinner and then I'm gonna watch some more Sex and the city...
Got up at 10. Made lunch and then packed my bag and drove to Motala. Had the evening shift and spent the night in Motala.
Morning shift at the hospital. Got of at 3 pm, drove back to Linköping, had a quick stop at the mall to get Å a birthday present. Home a 5 pm. Talked to my loved ones on the phone and then I hade to get ready for birtydayparty at Å's place. I was sooo tired and got home a 10.30 and went straight to bed...
The same a s friday...woke up and got ready for Motala. Evening shift at the hospital and then I spent the night again...
Day shift. Got back to Linköping at 4 pm. Absolutely knackered, watched The bold and the beautiful and then I went to bed at 8.20. Fell asleep...got woken up by the phone at 10 and the fell asleep again at 11...
Tuesday - today
Woke up at 10 am. Me and A hade decided last week to start with our placement - project that we have to finish before Christmas today but A sent me a text last night that she had other plans for today...and maybe we could meet up an other day? AN OTHER DAY??? It's not like we have a 1000 days to choose between...our hospital schedules are not really synced and she lives in Motala and I live in Linköping...but hey what can I do. I tried to start with the project on my own...it didn't go very good since we havn't decided everything about the subject yet and everything is very unclear.
Ohhh...I've been so sick of this studying situation today...and so sick of group-projects...and sick of group members that you haven't chosen yourself.
So after a breakdown around lunchtime time I decided to take the day off from school. Why should I take responsible for this project. I just cannot do everything by myself...I wish I was more irresponsible...I will work on that from now on...
So...what have keeping me busy all afternoon then?
Well... I've made a chocolate and banana cake and watched 6 episodes of Sex and the city...after this The bold and the beautiful episode I'm watching at the moment I'm cooking dinner and then I'm gonna watch some more Sex and the city...
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