
What kind of person are you?

On Facebook there are so many fun tests you can take. And I love doing them to find out what kind of person I really am...if I don't already know ofcourse.

I just took one called: What is your dance style?
And after answering 5 questions or so I got the result: A cha-cha dancer.
And the motivation:
"Tess is one hot firecracker. You've got a vibrant and flirtatious style that keeps you zesty and fun. You're not afraid to get up close and personal with whomever your partner happens to be."

Last week a took a test called: How british are you?
And the result: I'm proud british.
With the motivation:
"While still not bloody British, you're the second highest level of Britishness we can aspire to. You probably love a good game of cricket, appreciate sarcasm and are extremely proud of our culture, heritage and our almost successful sport teams!"

And when it comes to who I would be if I where a LOST character I got a bit surprised because the result showed : Desmond Hume...
...with the motivation:
"You are mysterious and a secret romantic. No one has any idea what you're doing most of the time, and you like it that way. You may be crazy, or just drunk, but more than likely, you know what's going on more than most of the people around you. If you don't already have an accent, you probably secretly want one."

I guess some of it is true...

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