
Tomorrow is a new day

Today has been a emotional roller-coaster. 
Some days are like that.
But I would have needed to be just happy.
It was supposed to be a happy day.

A well...there's a new day tomorrow.
Let's try again.



I wish that the final weeks in school will pass by smoothly.

I wish that my new job will be worth all the studying, the tears, the headaches and heartaches.

I wish that starting to work will lead to opportunities of visiting, and spending time with friends around the country and the world that I haven't seen for ages.

I wish that I will be able to run 10k in September.

...and I wish I had some chocolate at home right now... 


Det blommar...

Blommande körsbärsträd på gårdarna.
Vitsippehav i skogen.
Maskrosor utmed huskanterna.
Det är nu det kommer åter.