
Last day in april

Time flies...it's already the the last day of April. My God...where did this month go?!

On the schedule for this "Valborgsmässoafton" is picnic and barbecue in the park with Å and some other friends of hers. The sun is shining just as it has been for the last two weeks, but it's a bit windy. I'm soon off to Systembolaget to buy some wine...

Yesterday I bought a new bikini and a skirt...
The bikini I kind of needed but the skirt was just pretty and on sale...bad bad me...I need to save some shopping for London...


Back in school

Had class in school today. A bit weird, since it's about 7 weeks since last time, but nice to actually see some of the other students...

Now it's time for a walk with Å and maybe some ice-cream...yummy!


Song of the day - Som jag hade dig förut

Going back...

Helgen är över. Molnen har dragit sig in över Halmstad och jag får den där melankoliska känsla man får när sommaren börjar lida mot sitt slut...trots att sommaren inte ens har börjat på riktigt.
Går dagen bjöd på årets första dopp i havet. Det var varmt på stranden, när man låg i lä och kallt i vattnet. Men jag och F hade ju pratat om det redan kvällen innan så det var ju bara att ta tjuren vid hornen och traska i plurret. L förevigade det hela med kameran från säkert avstånd i strandkanten.
Kvällen bjöd på restaurangbesök med kära M och sedan en sväng till Morfars för att sedan avsluta på Mårtensson. En bra kväll överlag...mycket folk jag inte sett på länge. Memory lane var vackert igår!
Snart går bussen...



A weekend in Halmstad. The forecast predicts 18 degrees C and sun tomrrow, a few degrees cooler today, but sun as well! How lovely isn't that??!
Outside studying is on the schedule today...just because I'm in Halmstad doesn't mean I'm study free unfortunately.
Oh...I wish I could stay longer!!
In about a year I might be moving back...at least that's my plan. But you never know what the future bring.
All I know is that some of the most lovely people live here...and I miss them when I'm away!
Now breakfast on the balcony... xx


Luxury studying

Tonight I just had to do something to make the studying a bit more fun.

There was a little left of the sparkling Rosé wine from Saturday night and some dark chocolate with raspberries...Delicious...
Now it's time for bed and I only have 250 more words to write. That's tom
orrow's project.

Good ending of a nice weekend, with nice company and nice, sunny, warm weather! Tell you more about this Easter weekend tomorrow...


Todays checklist

Sore throat: 1
Runny nose: 1
Fever: > 37,5 C
Body weight in kilos: 60 (Not OK! What the fuck happened?!)
Conversations with stupid teacher: 1
Things to do: 10 000 000
Motivation: - 5
London vacations booked: 1 (Thank God and sis!)